Course Information and Syllabus
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InstructorFaan Tone Liu ( )Office: JGH 319, x2803 Office Hours: Mon 10-11, Wed 12-1, Fri 10-11 or gladly by appointment |
Teaching Assistants
Jeff Edgington (email |
You will also continue to improve your design, programming, and debugging skills. You will continue to increase your level of sophistication in your communication skills, including documenting your programs, listening to and speaking about technical material, and reading texts to learn information independently.
The lecture is held in JGH 316 at 11:00 (Section 1) or 1:00 (Section 3 and 4) on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays. The lab meets on Tuesdays at 11:00 (Section 1), Tuesdays at 1:00 (Section 3) or Thursdays at 1:00 (Section 4). The lab will meet in either JGH 318 or in the Sun Lab in room JGH 216.
You will be evaluated based on your homework, programming projects, midterm, final exam, and on your performance in the lab, weighted approximately as follows:
When you turn in work in this course, you are implicitly agreeing that you have followed the rules for collaboration set forth for that assignment. You should not view in any way another person's assignment, nor should you possess electronic copies or hard copies of another person's assignment before that assignment has been graded and returned. Copying another person's work on homework assignments, exams, lab exercises or projects constitutes plagiarism, a violation of the University of Denver Honor Code. This code forbids plagiarism, cheating, fabrication, and aid of academic dishonesty. Please note that "aid of academic dishonesty" includes allowing another person to copy your work. This and all other violations of the University's academic standards in this class will be treated with severity. Possible outcomes include (but are not limited to) a grade of 0 on the relevant assignment and a failing grade in the course. In addition, a letter describing the incident will be sent to the Office of Citizenship and Community Standards, which will address the situation at their discretion. This office determines additional consequences for violations to the DU Honor code. These consequences may include suspension or expulsion from the University.
In this course, some of the homework problems are to be done individually, but for most, you may choose to work on homework with one other person. If you choose to work with another person, it must be a collaboration in which each person contributes essentially equally to the final product. Furthermore, the problems must be done together (you may not divide up the individual problems and each do half of them) At the end of the assignment, you must both state and sign that you have contributed essentially equally to the assignment. Not all collaborations work as expected - sometimes even people that are evenly matched in preparedness don't create a balanced collaboration. Like all human relationships, there is an element of unpredictability. If the magic isn't happening, and you find yourself involved in a collaboration that is unbalanced and is not truly a joint effort, then you must graciously excuse yourself, and do so in a nonjudgemental way. Homework is due at the beginning of class on the due date. Your papers should be organized and neatly written, and should be typed if your handwriting is difficult to read. When you turn in a homework assignment, you are implicitly ackowledging it as you or your group's work (see Collaboration and Academic Honesty).
Programming assignments are due at the beginning of the class period on the due date. As with homework, some of the programming projects will be done individually, and for some you may choose to do the projects in groups of two. In the latter case, you are responsible for dividing the work in an equitable fashion, and each participant is responsible for understanding every part of your final program. Both participants will receive the same grade for the project. Turn in a hard copy of the header files and source code files - your name(s) should be in a comment at the beginning of EVERY file. In addition, you will mail an electronic copy of your work to an address that will be announced. No lines of code in your programming assignment should be copied from another student (see Collaboration and Academic Honesty).
Your program must work correctly to receive credit. A program which does not compile will receive little credit. A program which works partially will receive partial credit. Your score improves if you attach notes documenting the incompleteness or bugs (include details of the circumstances under which they occur), since this shows the degree to which you tested your code.
Your programs should be formatted logically, and should be easy to read.Comment your code well - write comments that would be useful to someone who would have to maintain or enhance your code. The quality of your comments is included in your grade.
The calendar below contains links to homework assignments, links to programming assignments, as well as important dates for you to keep in mind.
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