COMP 1671, Sections 1&2, Fall 2009
Course Information and
Section 1 (10AM - 11:40AM) Instructor
Scott Leutenegger
Professor, Director Game Development Programs
Office: JGH 323, x12821
Office Hours: Tue&Thu: 8:30 - 10:00 AM
Section 2 (noon - 1:40PM) Instructor
Jeffrey Edgington
Adjunct Instructor
Office: JGH 331, x13285
Office Hours: Tue&Thu: 2:00 - 4:00 PM
Bryan Corell
Teaching Assistant
Office: TA Office, 1st Floor JGH
Office Hours: Mon&Wed: 2 - 4PM
Swayanti Das
Teaching Assistant
Office: TA Office, 1st Floor JGH
Office Hours: Mon&Wed: 12 - 2PM
About This Course
This course will cover introductory programming concepts including control structures, lists, classes/objects, and object-oriented programming. Implementation of solutions will be in Processing and Java using the Processing ( IDE. The goal is to learn fundamental programming concepts using 2D games and media as project assignments. The course will start with using the Scratch ( environment to quickly learn fundamental concepts.
Course Meeting Times
The lecture is held in JGH 316 on Tue/Thu from 10:00 PM to 11:50.
Required Resources
- Laptop (Mac or Windows) that can run Processing
- Install Processing ( )
- Install Scratch ( )
- Textbook: There is no required book, there will be notes online, but the first book
will be very useful. In fact, we will cite optional reading chapters from the book.
The second book is more a more art/design oriented treatment of Processing, but it is filled
with great stuff! If you buy none, you should be fine, if you buy one, we recommend it
be "Learning Processing" for this course, and if you can afford both, they are both great books.
- Learning Processing, by Daniel Shiffman.
Available at and, and you should be able to order at Barnes and Noble type places too.
- Processing. A programming Handbook for Visual Designers and Artists by Casey Reas and Ben Fry.
Available at , and you should be able to order at Barnes and Noble type places too.
projects |
35% (5, 6, 8, 8, and 8% respectively for assignments 1 - 5) |
in-class labs (can drop 2) |
15% |
midterm | 25% |
final | 25% |
Final Exam
The final is scheduled by the
University for Saturday Nov w1, 10:00 - 11:50 AM.
There are no exceptions to this time, plan any travel for AFTER the
Late Assignments
You are granted two "grace period" for the quarter.
You can trade in the "grace period" for a 48 hour extension on
a project, not a lab.
After your grace period is used you must turn in what you have, finished or
not. The idea is that work builds on previous assignments, hence, we are not
allowing you to fall behind.
{\bf NOTE, you can NOT use your grace period on the final project.}
demo the project in class with everyone else.}
Missed Labs
Your lab grade is calculated based on the labs you do in class
the day they are assigned. There is no outside makeup of labs.
Labs are graded at the end of the hour as {0, 50%, or 100%}.
You will be allowed to miss two labs without penalty, after those two
misses are used up you can NOT make up labs.
The two free miss days are intended to accommodate illness, necessary trips,
snowboarding, sleep, whatever!
Collaboration and Academic Honesty
You will be working in grops of two. The
basic presumption is that the work you hand in was done
by you two, and ONLY you two.
Occasionally on your programs (but never on exams!), it may be
necessary to ask someone for help.
You are permitted to do so, provided you meet the following two
- You specifically acknowledge the help on the work you hand in.
- You understand the work that you hand in, so that you could explain
the reasoning behind the parts of the work done for you by another.
Note, exams will test this knowledge also, so it is in your best
interest to fully understand the problem.
We shall not deduct credit for small amounts of acknowledged assistance.
Such shared interest can be beneficial to all concerned.
We do reserve the right to give less than full credit in circumstances
where it appears that there has been large-scale division of labor, and
you are not getting as much learning out of the assignment as you should.
Unacknowledged help will be deemed as cheating and will result in a
grade of F for the course and cheaters will be brought to the attention of
the Dean. Cheating on an exam will be result in a grade
of F for the course and cheaters will be brought to the attention
of the Dean.
Course Calendar and Assignments
The calendar below contains links to homework assignments, links to
programming projects, as well as important dates for you to keep in mind.
First is brief topic guide, followed by the full calendar.
Note, this is a guide, we will deviate some from this order.
Topic Guidline
Week 1 Scratch
Week 2 Processing intro, variable, booleans, if/else
Week 3 Loops, Arrays, Images
Week 4 Loops, Arrays, Images
Week 5 Functions, Scope
Week 6 MIDTERM, Classes
Week 7 Classes/Objects
Week 8 Classes/Objects
Week 9 Lists, iterator
Week 10 Wrap up, demos
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