6th Pingree Park Dynamics Workshop
Foundations and Frontiers in Symbolic Dynamics
Pingree Park, Colorado, USA, July 17-20, 2017
The 2017 Pingree Park Dynamical Systems Workshop will be held at the Pingree Park Campus of
Colorado State University on the dates July 17-20, 2017.
(Pingree Park Campus Info)
The workshop will be on topological dynamics and ergodic theory in general, but with an emphasis on symbolic dynamical systems.
There will be three mini-courses given by:
- Emmanuel Jeandel, Université de Lorraine: "Reducibility Relations with applications in multidimensional symbolic dynamics"
(Course outline and slides: 1, 2, 3)
- Anthony Quas, University of Victoria: "Coupling and Splicing" (Course notes)
- Ayse Sahin, Wright State University: "Extending basic objects beyond Zd: towers, odometer actions, and SFTs"
Here is a Schedule for the conference.
For those who'd like to stay the evening of July 15th in Denver, we've reserved a block of rooms at the Holiday Inn Cherry Creek hotel at a rate of $119/night.
If you'd like to reserve a room, just click HERE.
Funding and Costs
Funding has been made available for the meeting by NSF grant DMS-1700430 and by the University of Denver.
Local costs for participants will be covered - transportation from the University of Denver to
Pingree Park as well as room and board at Pingree Park. Some
limited amount of funding is available to support travel; junior researchers will receive top
priority for funding.
We will organize transportation from Denver to the facility in the early afternoon on Sunday, July 16, including picking up any participants who stayed overnight on July 15 (more details to follow).
Talks will formally begin on Monday, July 17 and run through Thursday, July 20. On the morning of Friday, July 21, we will depart the facility. Departure
times will depend on outgoing flight times for participants.
- Nic Ormes (organizer), University of Denver
- Ronnie Pavlov (organizer), University of Denver
Confirmed Participants
- Lori Alvin, Bradley University
- John Antonioli, University of Denver
- Drew Ash, Albion College
- Sebastián Barbieri, University of British Columbia
- Mike Boyle, University of Maryland
- Raimundo Briceño, University of Tel Aviv
- Dina Buric, University of Victoria
- Jon Chaika, University of Utah
- David Cosper, IUPUI
- Andrew Dykstra, Hamilton College
- Sarah Bailey Frick, Furman University
- Ricardo Gomez, UNAM
- John Griesmer, Colorado School of Mines
- Emmanuel Jeandel, Université de Lorraine
- Aimee Johnson, Swarthmore College
- Olena Karpel, ILTPE NAS Ukraine, IM PAN Poland
- Steve Kass, Drew University
- Dominik Kwietniak, Jagiellonian University
- Martha Lacka, Jagiellonian University
- Michelle Lemasurier, Hamilton College
- Alejandro Maass, Universidad de Chile (CMM)
- Kathleen Madden, California State University, Bakersfield
- David McClendon, Ferris State University
- Kevin McGoff, University of North Carolina, Charlotte
- Kostya Medynets, United States Naval Academy
- Dennis Pace, University of Denver
- Karl Petersen, University of North Carolina
- Anthony Quas, University of Victoria
- David Ralston, SUNY Old Westbury
- Ayse Sahin, Wright State University
- Scott Schmieding, Northwestern University
- Jason Siefken, Northwestern University
- Amanda Wilkens, University of Kansas
- Ren Yi, Brown University