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Chris GauthierDickey received his Ph.D. from the University of Oregon where he was the recipient of a National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship in 2003. His research is centered around peer-to-peer networking and secure consistency, and he is one of the few researchers doing work in computer games. His current research is focused on the measurement and modeling of large-scale multiplayer games and peer-to-peer voice communications over the network. He also teaches networking, security, and game development courses in the Department of Computer Science.


Awards and Grants

Courses Taught


  1. K. Bader, T. Eißler, N. Evans, C. GauthierDickey, C. Grothoff, K. Grothoff, J. Keen, H. Meier, C. Ritzdorf, M. Rutherford, DUP: A Distributed Stream Processing Language, 7th IFIP Interational Conference on Network and Parallel Computing (NPC'10), Zhengzhou, China, September 2010.
  2. T. Phillips, C. GauthierDickey, R. Thurimella, Using Transitivity to Increase the Accuracy of Sample-Based Pearson Correlation Coefficients, to appear in the 12th International Conference on Data Warehousing and Knowledge Discovery (DaWaK'10), Bilbao, Spain, August 2010. (The original publication is available at www.springerlink.com)
  3. N. Evans, C. GauthierDickey, C. Grothoff, K. Grothoff, J. Keene and M. Rutherford, Simplifying Parallel and Distributed Simulation with the DUP System, The 43rd Annual Simulation Symposium (ANSS), Orlando, Florida, USA, April 2010
  4. C. GauthierDickey, Blending Games, Multimedia, and Reality (invited paper), 1st Annual ACM Multimedia Systems Conference, February 2010.
  5. D. Pittman and C. GauthierDickey, Characterizing Virtual Populations in Massively Multiplayer Online Role-Playing Games, The 16th ACM International Multimedia Modeling Conference, January 2010.
  6. G. Papp and C. GauthierDickey, A Location Aware P2P Voice Communication Protocol for Networked Virtual Environments, The 16th ACM Symposium on Virtual Reality Software and Technology, Kyoto, Japan, November 2009.
  7. G. Papp and C. GauthierDickey, Characterizing and Modeling Multiparty Voice Communication for Multiplayer Games, 19th ITC Specialist Seminar on Network Usage and Traffic, October, 2008
  8. C. GauthierDickey and C. Grothoff, Bootstrapping of Peer-to-Peer Networks, DAS-P2P, August 2008
  9. G. Papp and C. GauthierDickey, Characterizing Multiparty Voice Communications for Multiplayer Games (extended abstract), ACM Sigmetrics, June 2008
  10. N. Evans, C. GauthierDickey, and C. Grothoff, Routing in the Dark: Pitch Black, ACSAC 2007, December 2007.
  11. D. Pittman and C. GauthierDickey, A Measurement Study of Virtual Populations in Massively Multiplayer Online Games, Proceedings of ACM Netgames, September 2007.
  12. C. GauthierDickey, V. Lo, D. Zappala, Using N-Trees for Scalable Event Ordering in Peer-to-Peer Games, Proceedings of ACM NOSSDAV, June 2005.
  13. V. Lo, D. Zhou, Y. Liu, C. GauthierDickey, J. Li, Scalable Supernode Selection in Peer-to-Peer Overlay Networks, HotP2P, July, 2005.
  14. S. Zhao, V. Lo, and C. GauthierDickey, Result Verification and Trust-Based Scheduling in Peer-to-Peer Grids, IEEE International Conference on Peer-to-Peer Computing, August, 2005.
  15. C. GauthierDickey, D. Zappala, V. Lo, A Fully Distributed Architecture for Massively Multiplayer Online Games, Proceedings of ACM NetGames, August 2004.
  16. C. GauthierDickey, D. Zappala, V. Lo, J. Marr, Low-Latency Cheat-Proof Event Ordering for Peer-to-Peer Games, Proceedings of ACM NOSSDAV, June 2004. [25.3% (24/95)]
  17. D. Zappala, V. Lo, C. GauthierDickey, The Multicast Address Allocation Problem: A Theoretical Framework and Performance Evaluation, Special Issue of Computer Networks, Elsevier Science, Volume 45, Issue 1, pages 55-73, May 2004.
  18. V. Lo, D. Zappala, C. GauthierDickey, and T. Singer, A Theoretical Framework for the Multicast Address Allocation Problem, Proceedings of Global Internet, at Globecom 2002. [19.7% (28/142)]
  19. D. Zappala, C. GauthierDickey, V. Lo, Modeling the Multicast Address Allocation Problem, Proceedings of Global Internet, at Globecom 2002. [19.7% (28/142)]

Technical Reports

Paper reviews