Reading assignment: Deitel and Deitel Chapter 1.18-1.23 and Chapter 2.1-2.21 -OR- Wang, Chapters 1.3-1.10 Review - Chapters 1-3 Using MSVC++ - creating workspaces, the editor, file view (pre-processing)/compiling/linking/loading/executing The simplest program (foo.cpp, foo.obj, foo.exe) main, #include , std::cout std::cout, std::endl, using, variables, assignment operator, arithmetic operators, relational operators, return 0 Source files, header files, object files and their naming conventions Conventions for which files contain which parts of a program: (.cpp files, .h files, and the #include statement) Compilation vs. run-time errors Declarations and definitions Difference between the two Definitions reserve space, must define exactly once Standard types (including bool and enum) Initializing a variable in its definition (2 ways) Variables - scope and storage class Scope - variables are accessible for a specific section of C++ code Storage class - variables exist for a specific part of execution of code Scope resolution operator Expressions and Operators Arithmetic, note that / is integer division, no built-in exp Binary operators Relational operators Equality operators Logical operators The ?: structure (C++'s only ternary operator) Assignment operator (itself takes a value) Precedence Control structures (if, while, for, do/while, if/else, switch) Combine by nesting or stacking Controlling repetition with counter or flag Comma operators in for loop Empty body in for loop Warning on switch: all cases executed until break is reached Break (causes immediate exit from while, for do/while and switch, continues on next statement) Continue (interupts body of while, for and do/while, continues on next iteration of loop) Comments - two forms, and how to make them useful