Jan 30, 2002

Reading assignment:
  Deitel and Deitel Chapter 5.1-5.4
  Wang Section 4.1-4.2 (these sections are lean on details)

Pointer variables
  - It is with the use of pointers that we can achieve dynamic memory
  - A pointer variable is in some ways just like other variables, it
    has its own slot in memory where a number is stored.  But it's different
    in a way, because the number in the slot gives a memory location for
    another variable that holds the value you really care about.
  - The other types of variables we've studied give you direct access to
    a number, while a pointer gives you indirect access.  It gives indirect
    access because it tells you where to look to get the number.
  - Here are some examples of definitions of pointer variables:
        int *iptr;           // the variable called iptr is a pointer to an int
        double *double_ptr;  // double_ptr is a pointer to a double
        string *w;           // w is a pointer to a string object
        int *ip, jp;         // careful! ip is a pointer to an integer,
                             // but jp lacks the *, so it is just an int!
  - To make the connection between a pointer and the value of the variable
    it points to, we need two operators, the address-of operator
    and the indirection (or dereferencing) operator
  - Since a pointer is an address, we need a way to get the address of
    the variable that the pointer points to.  The "address-of" operator &
    does this.  Don't confuse the address-of operator & with the same
    symbol used for references - the compiler distinguishes them by context.
    An example of a use of this is
        int i=47;
        int *iptr;
        iptr = &i;
    iptr now contains the memory address where i is stored.
    We say "iptr points to i".
  - If iptr points to i, we need a way to look at the value of i by using
    iptr.  The indirection operator * does this.  An example:
       int j;
       j = *iptr;
       cout << *iptr;
    Warning:  if iptr contains a bogus address, then executing a statement
    that includes *iptr will cause the program to crash, because you're
    trying to access the data at a bogus location. 
  - Here's a program demonstrating pointers:

Using pointer variables for function parameters
  - This achieves an effect similar to call-by-reference.
  - You can make a function take a pointer as an argument.  This is a way
    for the function to get its hands on the caller's variables.  This
    allows us to avoid copying the variable, and allows the function to
    modify the caller's variable(s)
  - The prototype and definition should have, for example, a float *
    as a parameter.  The caller then would have a float variable,
    say it's called fl.  It then passes &fl to the function.
  - Here's a program that shows you how to do this: