February 18, 2002
Reading assignment:
  Deitel and Deitel - 7.3, 7.4, 7.6

Review and Warm-up
  1. What is wrong with this code?

     int *give_me_an_int_address();

     int main()
         int *i;
         i = give_me_an_int_address();
         cout << *i; 

     int *give_me_an_int_address()
         int j=5;
         return &j;
     Ans: The function is returning a pointer to a local variable, which
     disappears after we exit the function!

  2. double arr[10];
     double *access = arr;
     output the last element of the array four ways.
     double **app = &access;
     output the last element of the array two more ways.
     Ans: arr[9], *(arr+9), access[9], *(access+9), (*app)[9], *(*app+9)

  3. Say I have a class called Complex_number, which has, among other things,
     a constructor that takes two parameters (defaulted to 0) and a
     function member called display().
     Write code that creates a pointer to an object of this class, that
     creates an object with new and initializes it to 1+i, and then
     displays it.
     Complex_number *c;
     c = new Complex_number(1,1);

More on new and delete
   - FooClass *fp;
     fp = new FooClass(a, b, c);
     This  creates a new object of type FooClass, assigns the address
     of this new object to fp, and calls the constructor to initialize
     it with the values a,b,c
   - delete fp;
     This releases the space fp points to.  If fp doesn't point to
     dynamically allocated memory, you've made a mistake.
   - FooClass *fp;
     fp = new FooClass[10];
     This creates an array of 10 FoClass objects
   - delete [] fp;
     This releases the array you've created.

Friends of classes
  - Sometimes a class is so intimately connected with a function, that the class
    declares it as a "friend".  Friend functions can gains access to the class'
    private data members
  - Example
    class Teeny {
        friend void modify_private_value(Teeny *);
        Teeny(int v=0) {value = v;}
        display() const {cout << value << endl;}
        int value;
    void modify_private_value(Teeny *t)
    int main()
        Teeny tiny(10);
   - The above example also shows how member functions can be defined right inside
     the class.  Only do this with member functions that are very short.
   - Sometimes an entire class (classone) is so intimately connected with another class
     (classtwo) that classone declares classtwo as its friend. Place the declaration
         friend class classtwo;
     inside the declaration of classone.  Now classtwo can have access to all
     private members of any classone objects.
   - Many people think the concept of "friends" is a corruption of one of the most
     basic concepts of object-oriented programming, because it is contrary to the
     idea of information hiding.  Unfortunately, there are a couple of situations
     that even purists can't escape.  We'll see this when we overload the >> and <<
     operators in Chapter 8.