February 25, 2002
Reading assignment:
  Deitel and Deitel - 15.2-15.4
  Other texts: linked lists

Today we'll work on programming assignment 4 together again
    1.  Dynamically allocated memory - I suggest that you have the
        StudentGroup class allocate all memory for StudentRec, and
        handle de-allocating it as well.  The allocation will take place
        when a student is added (so StudentGroup::insert should take
        the student data as a parameter, and can allocate the StudentRec
        as soon as it finishes validating the data).  This will happen multiple
        times when a database file is read.  The memory will be deallocated
        when a student is deleted (StudentGroup::delete can do this) or
        in the destructor for StudentGroup, which will deallocate all
        StudentRecs in the entire list.  Under this plan, the destructor
        for StudentRec will do nothing, except possibly set its next pointer
        to 0.
    2.  Which class does which tasks?  The StudentRec class represents
        the data for a single student - this class doesn't have to do
        anything other than manage the data for a single student.  The
        StudentGroup class, on the other hand, is responsible for managing
        lists, so all of the linked list algorithms will be found in
        StudentGroup.  The main program is responsible for creating variables
        to hold the lists themselves (in other words, it creates 4
        StudentGroup objects - it can make an array of them if you like).
        It's also responsible for keeping the menu, managing input from the
        user, reading and writing files, and interfacing to the appropriate
        StudentGroup member functions.
    3.  The linked-list algorithms (these go in the StudentGroup implementation)
	The easiest one is StudentGroup::display
            make a pointer to a StudentRec - this pointer will traverse the list
            I'm going to call it cptr for now - it points to the StudentRec
            that I'm about to display
            start off by making cptr point to the listhead
            make a loop that runs until cptr is 0 (end of list)
		display the current record (call the StudentRec display
                    function for the StudentRec that cptr is pointing to)
                update cptr so it points to the next record
    4.  Another linked-list algorithm - search by id
        Let's say this function takes a string * - the id that we want to match
        We traverse the list as we did when we displayed, but instead of
        displaying, we check to see if the id matches the id of the current
        student we're pointing to.  If it is, yeay, we found it, otherwise
        continue on through the list.  This function should return a pointer
        to the matching StudentRec, or 0 if it wasn't found

            make a pointer to a StudentRec - this pointer will traverse the list
            I'm going to call it cptr for now.
            start off by making cptr point to the listhead
            make a loop that runs until cptr is 0 (end of list)
                compare the id passed as a parameter to the id of the StudentRec
                     that cptr points to
                if they're the same, then return cptr
                otherwise, update cptr so it points to the next record
            If you finish the loop without finding it, then return 0
    5.  Another linked-list algorithm - add student
        I suggest that you start by having this function just insert the student
        into the beginning of the list.  You'll have to change this later, but
        you'll have more experience by that point.  This function should take
        first name, last name, id, gpa and year of the student.  It should
        return a boolean, true if it added the student, false if the student
        id was a duplicate.
            First, traverse the list searching for a match on the id.  This
            requires a loop like we've seen twice before.  If we find a match,
            then return false. 
            If we made it this far, then dynamically allocate a new
            StudentRec, initializing with the parameters passed.
            Make the next pointer for this new student equal to the old listhead
            Make the listhead point to the new student we just created.
            update the size of the list
            return true