March 4, 2002
Reading assignment:
  Deitel and Deitel - Read 8.8 and 8.10, concentrating in particular on memory allocation,
      and the copy constructor

The copy constructor
   - Called whenever you return an object from a function, whenever you pass an
     object to a function, or define an object and initialize it to another object
     of the same type.
   - If it doesn't exist, then the default is to do a memberwise copy, which is fine
     unless you have data members that are pointers
   - To implement, create a constructor that takes a single parameter of the same
     type as the object.
   - For class Complex, here's a copy constructor
     Complex::Complex(const Complex &c)
         real = c.real;
         imag = c.imag;

Implementing the assignment operator and copy constructor in Program 4
   - Since our classes contain pointers to objects, the assignment operator and
     copy constructor must be implemented, and in a nontrivial way
   - The assignment operator for StudentRec should first check, as always,
     that (this != *right_operand).  Then it should do a memberwise copy, except
     for the next-pointer.  It should set the next pointer to 0.
   - The copy operator for StudentRec does a member-wise copy except for the
     next-pointer, just as the assignment operator, but it doesn't have to do the initial
     address check
   - The assignment operator for StudentGroup should first check, as always, that
      (this != *right_operand).  Then it should create a duplicate copy of the
     entire list, one node at a time.  Here's an outline:

     StudentRec *ptr  // traverses the list we're trying to copy
     StudentRec *prev_ptr, newstud;  // keeps track of students in the new list
     listhead = 0;
     ptr = right_operand's listhead;
     while (ptr)
         allocate a new StudentRec (with the data in the object *ptr)
         if listhead==0, then this is the first student, so set listhead to this new
         else, hook the previous object's next-pointer to this new object
         update the prev_ptr to point to this new object
         update ptr to point to the next student (in the list we're copying)
   - The copy constructor for StudentGroup is just like the assignment operator
     (creates a duplicate list), but it doesn't have to do the initial check
     on addresses

Implementing the destructors in Program 4
   - Since our classes contain pointers to objects, the destructor must be implemented
     in a nontrivial way
   - The destructor for StudentRec should set next to 0.  Since a StudentRec represents
     a single student, the destructor should do nothing more
   - Since StudentGroup is responsible for lists, the StudentGroup destructor should
     de-allocate the memory for every student in the list
     Here's an outline:
     StudentRec *ptr; // traverse the list we're destroying
     StudentRec *nextptr;  // remember who's next in the list
     start at the beginning of the list: ptr = listhead
     while (ptr)
	set nextptr to ptr's next student
        delete ptr;
	ptr = nextptr;
     reset size to 0