Comp 1572, Winter 2002
Homework 7
Assigned March 4, 2002
Due Wednesday, March , 2002

Submission guidelines

Mail your source code (header file and .cpp file for the ratnum class) to before class on the due date. The subject line should say Homework 7. The source code should be sent as attachments, and should be named ratnum.cpp and ratnum.h. This will help the grader keep track of whose is whose. Turn in a hard copy of the header files and source code at the beginning of class on the due date. You do not need a program document - just the code.

The problem

This assignment is to augment the class Ratnum by furnishing it with some overloaded operators. A preliminary version of newratnum.cpp and newratnum.h are supplied. You need to add to the header file and to the source file to include overloaded operators for +, -, *, /, ==, and <<. Note that the rest of the ratnum class has already been provided. You can test your class with this baby test program rattest.cpp