Homework 2 Due Monday, September 23, 2002 Solutions a.int task_count;
b.string mom_maiden_name;
c.char letter;
d.float distance;
e.long US_deficit;
f.int prime_number
g.string login_name;
h.float area;
i.int num_toilets;
1a) False 1b) False 1c) False 1d) True 1e) True 1f) False 1g) True 1h) True 2a) Legal 2b) Not legal 2c) Not legal 2d) Legal 2e) Legal 2f) Not legal 2g) Not legal 2h) Not legal 2i) Legal 2j) Legal 8) Line 1 is missing a type specification Line 2 is missing an initial value after the "=" Line 3 is fine Line 4 is fine 10a) int x, y; 10b) int x=10; char ch = 'B'; 10c) x = x + 5; or x += 5; 10d) if the variable z has not yet been declared: double z = 25.3; if the variable z has already been declared: z = 25.3; 10e) z = y; 10f) First declare a third variable z for temporary storage, then do the swap: int z; // temporary storage z = y; // store the value of y before wiping it out with x's value y = x; // put x's value into y x = z; // store the original value of y in x 10g) Assuming x and y have already been declared and initialized: cout << x << " " << 2*x+5-y << endl; 10h) char grade = 'A'; 10i) int a, b, c, d; 10j) x = z + 0.5; or even better: x = static_cast(z + 0.5); 11a) -10*a; 11b) '8' 11c) (b*b - 4*a*c)/(2*a) 11d) (-b + (b*b-4*a*c))/(2*a) 14a) x = 2, y = 5, z = 6 14b) x + y = 7 14c) Sum of 2 and 6 is 8 14d) z / x = 3 14d) 2 times 2 = 4 15a) 0.5 15b) 24.5 15d) 8.3 15f) 38.75 23) a = 25 Enter two integers: 20 15 The numbers you entered are 20 and 15 z = 45.5 Your grade is A The value of a = 65