Homework 3 Due Monday, September 30, 2002 Each of the following code fragments is invalid. For each one, explain what's wrong. (Each one is a completely separate and independent question. Where applicable, assume that any needed variables have already been declared.) a. int true; // define var. to count number of times user answered 'true' b. const int conversion_factor(1.61); // use to convert from miles to km c. int acct_balance = 32,167; // declare and initialize account balance d. cout << "Thank you for using this program!\endl"; e. num1*num2 = ratio; f. double hour; // hour of the day, in military time // input current time from user: cout << "Please input the current hour: "; cin >> hour; hour = hour%12; // convert to 12-hour clock g. cout << "Please enter your name: " h. if (age < 18); // check voting age cout << "You're too young to vote!\n"; // output message if too young Do problems 7, 13, 15ce, 18b, 19, 21, 22 from Chapter 2 of the textbook. Do problems 2ac, 5 from Chapter 4 of the textbook.