Comp 1671 Homework 7 Assigned 10/23/2002 Due Tuesday, October 29, 2002 First do these problems from the textbook: Chapter 7: 1a-h, 2, 4, 6, 7 Then do these: A. Say the function ChangeX is as follows: void ChangeX() { static int x=2; x += 2; cout << "x = " << x << endl; } Say this function is called 4 times. What is the output? Next say that I modify the function as follows: void ChangeX_version2() { int x=2; x += 2; cout << "x = " << x << endl; } Again say that the function is called 4 times. Now what is the ouput? The link below contains an incomplete program that turns a message (a word) into secret code. The letters are shifted down the alphabet by an amount given in the secret "key". For example, if the key is 5, then an "a" becomes "f" and a "z" becomes "e". Most of the program has already been written. You just need to fill in a few lines, or modify a few lines. B. Add code for the function prototype and the function calls so that the program asks the user for the text, asks them whether they want to encrypt or decrypt, asks them for the key, then outputs the encoded or decoded message. C. Modify the code so that it also "cryptanalyzes", in other words, helps the user figure out the original message even if they don't know the key. Ask the user if they want to encode, decode, or analyze. If they choose to analyze, then decrypt the message with all possible keys and output all 26 results. The user can scan this output and select the message that makes the most sense. Incomplete source code for problems A and B.