Homework 7 Due October 29, 2002 Solutions 1a) True 1b) False 1c) True 1d) False 1e) True 1f) False 1g) False 1h) False 2a) prototype: void hello(int&, double, char); heading: void hello(int& first, double second, char ch) body: { int num; double y; int u ; . . . } function definition: both the heading and the body of the function 2b) call statements: hello(x,y,z); hello(x, y-3.5, 'S'); formal parameters: int& first, double second, char ch actual parameters: x, y, z for the first call statement x, y-3.5, 'S' for the second call statement 2c) value parameters: second and ch reference parameters: first 2d) local variables: for main x, y, z for hello num, y, u global variables: one 4) -19 10 51 10 0 20 112 20 -380 40 802 40 40 80 1682 80 6) 10 5 6 10 10 20 7) 1 cout << "Please enter two integers.\n"; 2 cin >> num1 >> num2; 3 func (num1, num2); 4 val3 = val1 + val2; 5 val4 = val1 * val2; 6 cout << "The sum and product are " << val3 << " and " << val4; 7 cout << " The two integers are " << num1 << ", " << num2 << endl; 8 return 0; A) x = 4 x = 6 x = 8 x = 10 x = 4 x = 4 x = 4 x = 4 B) Here are the lines that you should have added: //prototype: string shift_cipher(string text, int key); // call function to do encryption, and output the result: cout << shift_cipher(text, key) << endl; // call function to do decryption, and output the result: cout << shift_cipher(text, -key) << endl; Here's the whole program for problem B: shift_cipher.cpp C) Nothing should be changed with the function shift_cipher itself - just the function main needed to be enhanced. Here's main: int main() { string text; // text they want to encrypt/decrypt char command; // one-letter command, d or e (for decrypt or encrypt) int key; // key to use for the shifting encryption/decryption int i; cout << "Please input the word: "; cin >> text; cout << "Do you want to encrypt, decrypt or analyze (e/d/a)? "; cin >> command; if (tolower(command) == 'e') { cout << "Please type the key (choose from 0-25): "; cin >> key; cout << shift_cipher(text, key) << endl; } else if (tolower(command) == 'd') { cout << "Please type the key (choose from 0-25): "; cin >> key; cout << shift_cipher(text, -key) << endl; } else if (tolower(command) == 'a') { for (i = 0; i < 25; i++) cout << shift_cipher(text, i) << endl; } else cout << "Unknown command, program will exit" << endl; return 0; } Here's the whole program for problem C: shift_cipher2.cpp