COMP 1671: Intro to Computer Science


Lab 5: Loops

In this lab, you will be using loop structures (for, do while, and while) to complete the following programs. As in the last lab, much of the programs are already written.

Print out and turn in the source code of each of your completed programs.

Program 1.

This program will calculate the factorial function ( n ! ).  Add a while loop to finish the program.


If you feel you need additional variables, feel free to define them.



 * This program will print the value of n!



#include <iostream>

using namespace std;


int main()


   // Get the number n from the user

   int n;

   cout << "Enter n: ";

   cin >> n;


   // Loop and calculate the value of n!

   unsigned long factorial = 1;

   while ( )






   cout << factorial << endl;


   return 0;





Program 2.

This program will calculate an approximation of pi.  Convert the program so that it uses a do while loop instead of a for loop.



 * This program will print an approximation of pi

 * using the formula:


 *   pi = 4 - (4.0/3.0) + (4.0/5.0) - (4.0/7.0) + ...


 * The user will specify how many of the terms to

 * use in the calculation.



#include <iostream>

using namespace std;


int main()


   // Get the number of terms from the user

   int numberOfTerms;

   cout << "Enter the number of terms: ";

   cin >> numberOfTerms;


   double approximation = 0.0;

   double termValue = 0.0;

   int sign;

   int termCount;

   for (termCount = 1; termCount <= numberOfTerms; ++termCount)


      if ( (termCount % 2) == 1 )


         sign = 1;




         sign = -1;



      termValue = sign * (4.0 / (2.0 * (termCount - 1) + 1.0));

      approximation = approximation + termValue;



   cout << approximation << endl;


   return 0;




Program 3.


Write a program which will print a rectangle consisting of asterisks.  The user will input the height and width of  the rectangle.  For example, if the user enters a height of 5 and a width of 3 the program will output:








Lab Homework:


1.  Write a program which will print an isosceles triangle consisting of asterisks.  The user will input the height of the triangle.  The triangle of height 3 is shown below:






2.  Extra Credit:  Write a program which will print a diamond shape consisting of asterisks.  The user will input the “size” of the diamond.  The first three diamonds (size 1, 2, and 3) are shown below:


size = 1:       *


size = 2:       *




size = 3:       *



