COMP 1671: Intro to Computer Science


Lab 7: The Debugger

In this lab, you will learn to use a new tool called a debugger.  The GNU debugger (called “gdb”) will help you find errors and mistakes in programs.


Compiling a Program for the Debugger
To use the debugger on a particular program you must compile the program as follows:
            g++ -g nameOfProgram.cpp –o nameOfProgram
The “-g” option tells the compiler to save additional information about your program.  The debugger knows about the variables and functions in your program by reading this information.


Starting the Debugger

The debugger is invoked by typing:


            gdb nameOfProgram


A new window (called the “Source Window”) will be created.  It shows the source code of the program along with toolbars and buttons for controlling the execution of the program.


Controlling Program Execution

The first five buttons in the toolbar control how the program executes.  The first causes the program to start executing (or “run”).  The next four buttons (“step”, “next”, “finish”, and “continue”) are used to control the program execution after it has been started.


The “step” button will execute the currently highlighted line of code.  If the line contains a function call then the debugger will “go into” the function.  You can then trace the execution of the function.


The “next” button also executes the highlighted line of code but will NOT go into any called functions.  The called functions will still be executed but the debugger will not show the function as it executes.


The “finish” button will cause execution to continue until the current function finishes.


The “continue” button causes execution to continue until the program finishes.



You can also tell the debugger to stop execution on selected lines.  These are called “breakpoints” (think of them as little stop signs in the code).  To insert a breakpoint, put the cursor over the line number and click.  You should now see a little red square at the beginning of that line.  Execution will now stop when it reaches that line.  To remove the breakpoint, click the line number again.  You can only insert breakpoints on lines that have a “-“ before the line number.


Examining Variable Values

The debugger can also show you the current value of variables as the program executes.  After the program has started executing, you can click on the “Local Variables” button (the little house button) and a popup window will show you all declared local variables and their current values.  As the program executes these values will automatically be updated.


You can also choose which variables to examine.  First, click on the “Watch” button (the tiny glasses button).  In the Watch Expressions Window, type the name of the variable and click “Add Watch”.  The variable and its current value should appear in the Watch Expressions Window.


Note that you can only examine variables AFTER the program has started executing.  You will get an error if the program has not yet started executing.


Lab Activity

The following program is incorrect.  Use the debugger to fix it.  Print out and turn in the source code of the corrected program.



 * This program will print a triangle consisting

 * of * symbols.


 * The triangle should have the following form:


 * height = 1: *


 * height = 2: *

 *                   **


 * height = 3: *

 *                   **

 *                   ***


 * and so on.


 * The user will specify the height of the triangle.


#include <iostream>

using namespace std;


// Function Prototypes

void printAsterix(int);


int main()


   // Get the height of the triangle

   int height;

   cout << "Enter the height: ";

   cin >> height;

   cout << endl;


   int currentLine = 0;

   for (currentLine = 1; currentLine <= height; currentLine++);


      printAsterix( currentLine );

      cout << endl;


   return 0;




 *  Print the specified number of asterix to the screen


 *  This function will not print an "endl" at the end

 *    of the line.


 *  Parameters:

 *     numberToPrint - an integer specifying the number of

 *                     asterix to print on the screen.



void printAsterix( int numberToPrint )


   int counter = 0;


   for (counter = 0; counter <= numberToPrint; counter++)


      cout << "*";


   cout << endl;
