(Don McCarthy, Autumn 2002)


NOTE: This procedure should only be used by those who have “Windows ‘95”, Windows ‘98”, or “Windows ME” as the operating system on their laptop. Those who have “Windows 2000” or “Windows XP” as their operating system should see their instructor to obtain a copy of the appropriate procedure sheet.


NOTE: Make sure you have the latest version of DUNet installed on your laptop, or no version at all. If you have the version from the year 2000, these instructions will not work. There’s a bug in DUNet from the year 2000 that won’t allow you to install any more printers other than the ones DUNet has already installed. If you have DUNet from the year 2000 installed on your laptop, you must first update it by going to the DU wbsite, clicking on “Downloads” and following the instructions. Note that the new version of DUNet will override the old version. You don’t have to remove the old version first. When you’ve finished updating DUNet, return to this procedure.


  1. Launch your Web browser.
  2. In the address bar type Press the “Return” key.
  3. When you’ve entered the HP web site click on “Drivers”.
  4. Under the “HP Drivers” heading, click on “HP”.
  5. Under the “Drivers and Updates” heading, in the “Product Name” box, type “Jetdirect software”. Click on the “Arrow” button.
  6. In the window labeled “Results for: jetdirect software”, click on “Drivers & downloads” for the first entry in the list, i.e., “hp install network printer wizard”.
  7. In the next window labeled “Downloads for hp install network printer wizard” under “quick jump to downloads for…”, click on the name of the operating system you have on your laptop.
  8. In the next window, under the heading of your operating system, you should see the name “HP install network printer wizard”. Click on the associated “Download” button.
  9. In the next window click the “Open” or “Run” button. Do not click the “Save” button.
  10. Wait for program to download and run.
  11. A “Welcome” window should appear. Click on “Next”.
  12. A “License” window should appear. Click on “Yes” to accept the license.
  13. A “Choose destination location” window should appear. Click on “Next” to choose the default destination location.
  14. A “Select program folder” window should appear. Click on “Next” to choose the default folder.
  15. The program will install on your laptop.
  16. A “Setup complete” window should appear. Check only the box “HP install network printer wizard”. Click on “Finish”.
  17. An “HP install network printer wizard” window should appear. Click on “Next”.
  18. In the next window, check the box “Specify a printer by address”. Click on “Next”.
  19. In the next window, check the box marked “IP Address”. Fill in the boxes with the numbers “130”, then “253”, then “192”, and finally “246”. Click on ?Next”.
  20. In the next window, check the box marked “Let me configure my own network settings”. Click on “Next”.
  21. Wait while the program configures the software.
  22. In the “Jetdirect password” window, type in the password “costa_rica”. Click on “OK”.
  23. In the next window, click on “Next”.
  24. In the “Driver selection” window, check the box marked “Use a different driver”. Click on “Next”.
  25. In the “Driver options” window, make sure the box marked “Check HP’s website for a driver “ is checked. Click on “Next”.
  26. Wait while the program finds an appropriate driver for your operating system from HP’s website.
  27. On the “Drivers from Web” window, highlight the driver “HP Laserjet 4000 series  PCL 6”. Click on “Next”.
  28. Wait while the driver is downloaded.
  29. In the “Printer name” window, change the defaylt name shown to “JGH318”. Check the box marked “Use this printer as the default printer for Windows based printing”. Click on “Next”.
  30. In the “Sharing” window, make sure the box marked “Not shared” is checked. Click on “Next”.
  31. In the “Summary” window, click on “Install”.
  32. Wait until the printer driver has been installed on your laptop.
  33. In the next window, make sure the box marked “Print a test page” is checked.  Click on “Finish”.
  34. A window should appear asking if the test page printeds correctly. If it did, click on “OK”.
  35. If all went well you’re done.