These are the instructions for your first programming project. Recall that all code must be written individually and independently.
This program will prompt the user (who we'll imagine is a student at DU) for some information, then it will display to the screen a blank line, followed by a summary of the information that was input. The information the program will ask for is the first name of the student, the last name of the student, the year the student was born, the year in school of the student (1-4), and the GPA of the student. After this information is input, then the program will display a blank line, followed by a summary of the information they gave, as follows. The program should output the student's full name on one line, their year in school on the next line, their GPA on the next line, and their age (as of the end of this year) on the last line.
Here is a sample output of the program:
ftl> project1
Please type your first name: Alan
Please type your last name: Turing
What year were you born? 1912
What is your year in school (1-4)?: 2
What is your GPA? 3.94
Student name: Alan Turing
Student Class: 2
Student Age: 90
Student GPA: 3.94
Instructions for submitting:If you need further challenge: If you have programmed before and find this program too easy, then after completing the program, augment it in the various ways suggested below. (This may require reading ahead in the book).