Comp 1671, Autumn 2002
Programming Project 4

To make it easier for you to get started on this project, you may start by pretending that the 6 required functions have already been written. In other words, start off by pretending that the 6 required functions are pre-defined. I will loan you my version of the compiled code for these functions. You can then just write your main program, and compile it together with my version of the functions with a command such as

> g++ myproject4.cpp proj4funcs.o -o myproject4

The above line compiles your file myproject4.cpp and then links it with the file called proj4funcs.o, which is a file that contains my versions of the compiled code for the 6 functions. You can download proj4funcs.o by clicking here: proj4funcs_295.o, for g++ version 2.95.3-5, or here: proj4funcs_32.o, for g++ version 3.2 (not available yet). Save the file in the cygwin directory where you are working on your project with the file name proj4funcs.o. These files have been compiled to run on cygwin in Windows. To see if you have version 2.95.3-5 or version 3.2 of g++, type

> g++ -v

in cygwin. Note that to use my versions of the functions, you still need function prototypes before your main function. After you get your main program working, you can then write your own versions of the functions. Your final program must of course contain your own versions of all 6 functions, or you will receive only minimal credit.