LAB 2 – Char Arrays and Strings (INDIVIDUAL WORK)


In-lab activity (due at the end of the lab session)

Examine the following function prototype:


int strcmp(const char string1[], const char string2[]);


The previous function is used to manipulate data stored in char arrays, as you will see in the following example. Copy and paste the code into a blank .cpp file, like you did in the first lab session. Print the output of the program and carefully examine the code within each function as you read through the printout. Your job is to figure out how the samples work.

Print the source code and write next to each sentence (excepting for those that output something to the screen) a brief comment/explanation of what is being accomplished. Answer the question in sample3.

Turn in both printouts. Don’t forget to type/print your name on every page you turn in.


Homework (due next lab session)

Investigate the prototype of strcpy. Write it down and provide a brief explanation.

Investigate the prototypes of the functions (methods) used in sample3. Write them down and provide a brief explanation.

Write a function int find(char source[], char target[]) that would find target within source.





#include <cstring>

#include <iostream>


using namespace std;


const char word[] =   "We shall go on to the end... We shall never surrender";

const char fmt1[] =   "         1         2         3         4         5   ";

const char fmt2[] =   "12345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123";


const char word1[] = "Be quick or be dead";

const char word2[] = "Be QUICK or be dead";


void sample1(){

   char w[80];

   strcpy(w, "Initializing ");

   strcat(w, "and ");

   strcat(w, "concatenating ");

   cout << "Result :" << w << endl;



void sample2(){


   char tmp[20];

   int result;


   // Case sensitive

   cout << "Comparing " << word1 << " and " << word2 << endl;

   result = strcmp(word1, word2);

   if(result > 0)

      strcpy(tmp, "greater than ");

   else if( result < 0 )

      strcpy(tmp, "less than ");


      strcpy(tmp, "equal to ");

   cout << word1 << " is " << tmp << " than " << word2;


   // Case insensitive

   cout << endl;

   result = strcasecmp(word1, word2);

   if(result > 0)

      strcpy(tmp, "greater than ");

   else if( result < 0 )

      strcpy(tmp, "less than ");


      strcpy(tmp, "equal to ");

   cout << word1 << " is " << tmp << word2;

   cout << endl;



void sample3(){

    string s = "This is a string, NOT a char array";


      cout << s.length() << endl;

      cout << s.size() << endl;


      cout << s.find("NOT") << endl;

      cout << s.find('i') << endl;

      cout << s.find("not") << endl;


      cout << s + ", see? " << endl;

      cout << static_cast <string> ("my ") + " God! " << endl;

      cout << (string) "my " + " God!" << endl;

      // cout << "my " + " God!" << endl; <--- would this compile? why or why not?


      cout <<"This is a string") << endl;

      cout <<"This is a string, NOT a char array") << endl;



void main(){



