LAB 3 – Multidimensional Arrays (INDIVIDUAL WORK)


In-lab activity (due at the end of the lab session)


Magic Squares


A magic square is a grid of numbers where each row, column, and both diagonals have the same sum.  For example, the grid:


8 1 6

3 5 7

4 9 2


is a magic square because each row, column and diagonal sums to 15.


Complete the magic square testing program shown below:


#include <iostream>

#include <string>


using namespace std;


const int squareSize = 4;


// Function Prototypes

bool isMagicSquare(int magicSquare[squareSize][squareSize]);

void printMagicSquare(int magicSquare[squareSize][squareSize]);


int main()


   int firstSquare[squareSize][squareSize] =

                          { { 1, 15, 14,  4},

                            {12,  6,  7,  9},

                            { 8, 10, 11,  5},

                            {13,  3,  2, 16} };


   int secondSquare[squareSize][squareSize] =

                          { { 1, 15, 14,  4},

                            {12,  7,  6,  9},

                            { 8, 11, 10,  5},

                            {13,  3,  2, 16} };



   cout << endl << "The array: " << endl;

   printMagicSquare( firstSquare );

   if ( isMagicSquare( firstSquare ) )


      cout << " is a Magic Square." << endl;




      cout << " is NOT a Magic Square." << endl;



   cout << endl << "The array: " << endl;

   printMagicSquare( secondSquare );

   if ( isMagicSquare( secondSquare ) )


      cout << " is a Magic Square." << endl;




      cout << " is NOT a Magic Square." << endl;





 *  Check an array of numbers to see if it is a magic square.


 *  The numbers in the array must sum to the same number in each

 *  row, column and both diagonals.


 *  Parameters:

 *     magicSquare - the array of numbers.


bool isMagicSquare( int magicSquare[squareSize][squareSize] )


   // Calculate the required sum.  All the other rows must have

   //    this same sum to have a magic square.

   int requiredSum = squareSize * (squareSize * squareSize + 1 ) / 2;

   int row = 0;

   int column = 0;


   // Check each row

   int rowSum = 0;

   for (row = 0; row < squareSize; row++)


     // Add up the current row

     rowSum = 0;

     for (column = 0; column < squareSize; column++)


        rowSum = rowSum + magicSquare[row][column];


     // Did we get the same sum as the required sum?

     if (rowSum != requiredSum)


        return false;




   // Check each column

   int columnSum = 0;

   for (; ; column++)


     // Initialize column sum


     // Add up the current column


     // Did we get the same sum as the required sum?

     //   If not then return false.

     if ( )


        return false;




   // Sum the numbers on the first diagonal


   // Did we get the same sum as the required sum?

   //   If not then return false


   // Sum the numbers on the second diagonal


   // Did we get the same sum as the required sum?

   //   If not then return false



   // This must be a magic square

   return true;





 *  Print the array of numbers


 *  Parameters:

 *     magicSquare - the array of numbers.


void printMagicSquare( int magicSquare[squareSize][squareSize] )


   int row = 0;

   int column = 0;

   for (row = 0; row < squareSize; row++)


     for (column = 0; column < squareSize; column++)


        cout << magicSquare[row][column] << " ";


     cout << endl;

