Last quarter we did most of chapters 1-8 and some of Chapter 9

Outline of what we learned
   Parts of a computer (main memory, auxiliary memory, CPU, I/O)
   Part of a CPU: Control Unit, program counter, instruction register, ALU,
        accumulator, general registers
   Model of main memory (Looks like a long linear tape - each spot in memory
         has an address and data)
   The binary number system - counting; converting between decimal and binary
   The simplest C++ program (main, #include, cout, using, return 0)
   Using the software (cygwin, gvim, g++, gdb)
   Operators (arithmetic, assignment, relational operators, logical operators)
   Control structures (if, if/else, switch, for, while, do/while, nesting)
Some more details of what we learned:
   New this quarter: hexadecimal number system, converting between decimal,
         binary, and hex
      Declarations and definition (definitions reserve space, must define
            exactly once)
      Initializing a variable in its definition (2 ways)
      Standard types (int, float, double, long, bool, and strings)
      Scope (local vs. global) - variables are accessible for a specific
            section of C++ code
      Storage class (automatic vs. statis - variables exist for a specific
            part of execution of code
   Expressions and Operators
      Arithmetic, note that / is integer division
      No built-in exponentiation operator
      Relational operators
      Equality operators
      Logical operators
      Assignment operator (itself takes a value)
    Control structures (if, while, for, do/while, if/else, switch)
      Combine by nesting or stacking
      Controlling repetition with counter or flag
      Warning on switch: all cases executed until break is reached, so don't
          forget the break at the end of each case
      Break (causes immediate exit from while, for do/while and switch,
        continues on next statement)
      Continue (interupts body of while, for and do/while, continues
        on next iteration of loop)
    Comments - two forms, and how to make them useful

  - The purpose of a function is to separate out a well-defined task of
    manageable size
  - Putting code in functions facilitates code reusability and program clarity
  - The name should reflect the task
  - A function's name shows up in 3 places - in a prototype (the declaration),
    in the definition of the function itself, and when the function is called.
    The syntax for each of these is of course different.
  - The prototype looks like the header line of the function, with no
    variables (unless you want to put them in for clarity)
  - A function can have parameters - "input values"
    For example, foo_function(int num_1, int num_2, char c)
    If there are no parameters, then the parentheses will be empty
    as in foo_function() 
  - If a parameter is passed by value, then a copy of that value is
    given to the function - the caller's value is safe and the function
    has received the value and stored it in a new location - the function can
    modify it.
  - If a parameter is passed by reference, then that function has access
    to the caller's copy of that variable - this can be very useful, but beware!
  - There are advantages to pass-by-value and advantages to pass-by-reference
    What are they?
  - Careful - don't return a reference to a local variable!
  - A function can return values - "output values"
    If there are no return values, declare the function "void"
    If there is one return value, declare the function to return
    a variable of this type
    If there is more than one return value, then return this value
    with a reference parameter or pointer parameter
  - A function can have default parameters - if a default value is specified 
    then the caller may supply it optionally, or the default value is
    used.  Defaults are typically supplied in the prototype.  Note that
    default variables must go at the end of the parameter list.
  - One important use for reference parameters is to return one or
    multiple values to the caller
  - Const parameters - pass by reference or by value, but function is not
    allowed to change them
  - Some important library functions - if you #include <cmath>, you get
    access to functions such as sqrt(x), ceil(x), floor(x), log(x), sin(x),
    pow(x,y) (each of which take doubles as parameters and return double
    as the function value
  - To get random numbers, #include <cstdlib> and use the function
    rand(), which returns an unsigned int between 0 and RAND_MAX.  Use
    % to scale it to the range of values you want.
  - Call srand(time(0)); once at the beginning of the program to initialize
    the random number generator.  #include <ctime> to be able to call
    the function "time"

  - How to declare
  - How to initialize
  - How to access individual elements

File I/O
  - ifstream, ofstream are classes (they are not built-in types, and they
        have functions associated with them)
  - filestreamvariable.is_open()
  - filestreamvariable.close()
  - using << and >> with ifstream and ofstream
  - How to handle errors in opening files, and in getting input out of files

  - The string type is actually not built in - it's called a class,
    and thus has functions associated with it.
  - Some of these functions are
  - You can do arithmetic with strings, e.g. str2 = str1+str2;
    This concatenates.
  - You can compare two strings - they are in lexicographic (alphabetic) order