Comp 2673
Spring 2002
Homework 1 solutions
The -b flag for diff ignores repeating blanks and end-of-line blanks.
In other words, if one file has extra spaces in the middle of a line
or at the end, then diff sees them as the same.
To compare the two programs, ignoring all differences in case and
white space, say
% diff -wi Janeprogram.cpp Martinprogram.cpp
% grep apple ~ftl/foodir/*
The word "apple" shows up in foo18, foo23 and foo9
- The permissions are rwx---r-x, which means the the owner can
read, write, and execute, group members have no permissions, and others
can read and execute.
- type env, and look at the value of the PATH environment variable.
It gives the list of directories searched when you enter a command.
These can be changed, but for new users are set to:
. (your current directory)
% du /usr/bin
Multiply by 512 to get total number of bytes. On evans, for example,
we have 18542x512 bytes.