Here are the contents of matrix.h:
#ifndef MATRIX_H
#define MATRIX_H
class Matrix {
friend ostream&operator<<(ostream &, const Matrix &);
friend istream&operator>>(istream &, Matrix &);
Matrix():numrows(0), numcols(0), contents(0){};
Matrix(const Matrix &); // copy constructor
const Matrix &operator=(const Matrix &);
bool operator==(const Matrix &) const;
const Matrix operator+(const Matrix &) const;
const Matrix &operator+=(const Matrix &);
bool same_dim(const Matrix &) const;
// many other arithmetic operators should be added to the class
int numrows;
int numcols;
float *contents;
Here are the 6 functions that were to be implemented:
// Copy constructor
Matrix::Matrix(const Matrix &m)
:numrows(m.numrows), numcols(m.numcols), contents(0)
// Allocate space, then copy the contents
int i;
if (numrows*numcols) {
contents = new float[numrows*numcols];
assert(contents); // quit gracefully if allocation failed
for (i=0; i < numrows*numcols; i++)
contents[i] = m.contents[i];
// release space, reset variable values
if (contents) delete [] contents;
const Matrix& Matrix::operator=(const Matrix &rhs)
int i;
if (&rhs != this) { // don't copy from self to self
// change size of storage space if necessary:
if (numrows*numcols != rhs.numrows*rhs.numcols) {
if (contents) delete [] contents;
if (rhs.numrows*rhs.numcols) {
contents = new float[rhs.numrows*rhs.numcols];
assert(contents); // quit gracefully if allocation failed
else contents=0;
// copy the contents
for (i=0; i < numrows*numcols; i++)
contents[i] = rhs.contents[i];
return *this;
bool Matrix::operator==(const Matrix &rhs) const
// check if the size is the same, and if so, check that contents are same
int i;
if (numrows != rhs.numrows || numcols != rhs.numcols) return false;
for (i=0; i < numrows*numcols; i++)
if (contents[i] != rhs.contents[i]) return false;
return true;
const Matrix Matrix::operator+(const Matrix &rhs) const
int i;
Matrix ans;
// you can only add if the dimensions match
if (numrows!=rhs.numrows || numcols!=rhs.numcols) return ans;
// make space to store the answer:
if (numrows*numcols) {
ans.contents = new float[numrows*numcols];
assert(contents); // quit gracefully if allocation failed
// add the two matrices (componentwise)
for (i=0; i < numrows*numcols; i++)
// matrix addition means add elements componentwise
ans.contents[i] = contents[i]+rhs.contents[i];
return ans;
const Matrix &Matrix::operator+=(const Matrix &rhs)
int i;
// you can't add if the dimensions don't match:
if (rhs.numrows !=numrows || rhs.numcols !=numcols) return *this;
// add the contents of right-hand-side (compontwise) to *this
for (i=0; i < numrows*numcols; i++)
contents[i] += rhs.contents[i];
return *this;