COMP2673 - Lab 7, Take 2
Goal: To learn the functions in the graphics package cs3g which will be used for project II.
1. Copy all the files under ~llin/comp2673/lab7 over to your directory for this class;
2. Learn the graphics functions used in the program myline.cpp, use as a reference;
3. Modify the code to do the following:
3.1 Draw a rectangle instead of a line when the mouse is clicked down and dragged around;
3.2 After the mouse click, instead of drawing a line, draw an ellipse bounded by the rectangle
3.3 Display your name in the ellipse (note, it is ok if the ellipse is very small and your name doesn't fit in the ellipse);
3.4 Exit the program (close the window) after drawing five ellipses and names;
4. Email your code with the subject line "Lab 7, Take 2" to - it counts as today's quiz
4. Start working on problem 1 of the homework - inputting and drawing polygons