Comp 2673, Spring 2002 March 27, lecture notes Review of Unix commands from last time, and from lab: cd [filename] (changes to home directory if filename is omitted) pwd ls [-al] [filename] (if no arguments, lists the files in the working directory, if filename is a directory, it lists the files in that directory. -a shows all files including hidden files, -l gives a long listing mkdir dirname (creates a directory) mv source destination (moves file "source" to "destination". If destination is an existing directory, it moves source to that directory, else it renames source) cp source destination (copies file "source" to "destination". If destination is an existing directory, it copies the file to that folder, keeping the same file name. Otherwise, it copies the file to the current directory and gives it the name "destination") rm filename (removes the file "filename") man name (displays the manual page for the command "name") apropos keyword (displays a synopsis for commands relating to "keyword") finger [name] (with no argument, display information of all users currently on the system. With the argument, it returns more detailed information about the user "name" or any user whose real name is "name") w (displays a list of users on the system and what they are doing) Note that some of the above commands have additional flags not described here. See the man pages for more information. A couple of useful hidden files: Each directory has two special hidden files called "." and ".." The . directory refers to the current directory, and .. refers to the directory one level above this one. For example, if my present directory is ~ftl/mystuff, then: cp ../foo . copies the file ~ftl/foo to ~ftl/mystuff/foo Review of vi, and some new vi commands: Movement commands (in command mode) (grouped according to function): h, j, k, l - moves you left, down , up, right arrow keys - move you in file w, b - forward or Backward a Word W, B - moves you forward or Backword a space-delimited Word 0, $ - moves you to the beginning or end of a line Ctrl-U, Ctrl-D - moves you Up or Down a half a page Ctrl-f, Ctrl-b - moves you Forward or Back one screenful /foo - moves to the first forward occurrence of the word "foo" ?foo - moves to the first backwards occurrence of the word "foo" n - moves to the Next occurrence of what you just searched for G - move to the end of the file #G - move to line number # Inserting text i - enters insert mode a - enters insert mode, appending (just past cursor position) I - enters insert mode at the beginning of line (same as 0i) A - enters insert mode at the end of a line (same as $a) *** Typeto exit insert mode *** Deleting text - combine "d" with movement commands, for example dd - delete a line d$ - delete to the end of line dw - delete one word db - delete to beginning of word dl - delete a characters (note: x works as well) Using numbers with commands Many vi commands can be preceded with a number, for example: 10h moves 10 characters to the left 10dd deletes 10 lines File commands (use in command mode) :w - saves file :w filename - saves file to "filename" :r filename - read file "filename" into the file you're editing :q - quits vi :q! - quits vi even if you haven't saved your changes Miscellaneous useful commands (use in command mode): u - undo the last change you made . - re-do the last change you made Reading email There are lots of options! 1. Use the UNIX program "pine". (Just type "pine" at the prompt) It has a good visual interface, follow the menus. 2. Messages can be saved and organized in folders - please do this rather than leaving messages in your inbox, which is stored in a shared location with limited space. 3. You can forward your mail from another UNIX system to this one. (or from this system to another machine). Create a file called ".forward" in your home directory. In this file, put the email address you want to forward to. 4. You can use DU Webmail - Go to and select "" as the mail server, and enter your Math&CS Unix username and password. While logged in to Webmail, do not access your inbox via other mail software - you could corrupt your inbox. 5. For more options on reading email, consult