Here's a graph that has 20 nodes, all connected in a line,
the edges each having weight 1.
Note that the distance from vertex i to vertex j should come out to be
Here's a complete graph with 30 nodes. In other words,
there is an edge between every pair of nodes (question: how many edges are
there in a complete graph with n nodes?)
It was created by randomly placing 30 points
in the square with corners (0, 0) and (1, 1), then creating an edge between
each pair of points, the weight of which is the distance between the points
(question: what
is the theoretical maximum edge weight?). The shortest path between any
two vertices should be the single edge connecting the two vertices. You can
look up this weight directly in the file.
Here's a tree. The root node is node number 1. It has a fan-out of 5,
and has 3 levels of nodes. The weight of the first level of edges is 1, the
weight of the 2nd level is 2. Note
that there is only one path from any vertex to any other.
Here's a tree. The root node is node number 1. It has a fan-out of 3,
and has 8 levels of nodes. The weight of the first level of edges is 1, the
weight of the 2nd level is 2, the weight of the 3rd is 4, etc. Note
that there is only one path from any vertex to any other. What is the
length of the path from vertex n to vertex m? You'll have
to answer this question to be able to test this file.
Here's a file in which the number of edges does not match
the number of edge lines in the file. Your program should detect this
Here's a file in which one of the edges has a negative weight. Your program
should etect this error.
The examples given above just begin to test your program. Notice that
in each of the examples, there is only ONE path between any two vertices.
Thus, a huge part of your algorithm has not been tested at all. You must
make test files to do this. Also, you have not been given examples
of disconnected graphs, so you must make a test file that shows that
your program can detect that no path exists between two vertices.
Also, there are several other possible errors in the graph files that you
should check for.
In future CS courses, you should expect to have to make all of your own test
files. Testing a program thoroughly is part of programming, and
it requires care and attention.