COMP 2673
Homework 4 (Databases)
Spring, 2003
Due Friday, May 16, 2003

For information on using Oracle see: Oracle Introductory Notes

For the Relational Algebra and SQL queries assume the following relational schema:

Sailors(sid, fname, mid, lname, wjoin, age, rating, address, street, city, state, zip)
Boats(bid, bname, color, capacity)
Reserve_R(sid, bid, Rdate)

The meaning of most attributes should be self evident. The following attribute meanings may not be as obvious:

Remember, when querying a relation you must preface the relation name with leut to specify the relation belongs to user leut. For example:

Select B.bname,
From B
where < 10 ;

Note, for queries with dates, wjoin and Rdate, use the single quoted date form such as:
select *
from reserve_r
where rdate = '09-oct-86'.


There are three groups of problems: Relational Algebra, SQL, and E/R modeling:

Relational Algebra

Turn in clearly written answers to the five following queries.
  1. Find the name of all blue boats.
  2. Find the last name and sailor id of all sailors under the age of 25 that live in CO.
  3. Find the bname and capacity of all boats reserved on 15-Dec-97.
  4. Find the last name and rating of all sailors that have reserved boat #113.
  5. Find the last name and rating of all sailors that have reserved blue boats.


NOTE: none of the correct answers have more than 20 tuples in the result, so don't be handing in pages and pages of output data! Please hand in a listing of your five queries with the output produced by each one.
  1. Find the name of all blue boats.
  2. Find the last name and sailor id of all sailors under the age of 25 that live in CO.
  3. Find the bname and capacity of all boats reserved on 15-Dec-97.
  4. Find the last name and rating of all sailors that have reserved boat #113.
  5. Find the last name and rating of all sailors that have reserved blue boats.

E/R Modeling

Draw an E/R diagram for a database capturing the following information. The American Association of Pirated Software wants to maintain a database allowing easier location of pirated software. Each song has associated with it the artist's name, song title, and number of minutes. Songs are stored on many web sites each of which has a site name (for example, average load at the site, and "safety probability", which is the probabiliity that downloading music from the site will result in you being busted for pirating software. Your database needs to keep track of which songs are located at which sites and for how long they have been on that site.