Comp 2673, Spring 2003
Lab 7
May 13 and 15, 2003

Welcome to lab, in an unfamiliar place! The purpose of this lab is to introduce you to the lego robots, and familiarize you with the Bricx CC interface. You should be working in a group with either 2 or 3 people. Get as far as you can in the following list.
  1. When you get your robot kit, open it up and install the batteries that you brought with you to lab.
  2. Install the RCX software on your laptop. You can access it from Windows Explorer at \\csdownloads\robotics. The username is "robotics" and the password is "invention". If you are not on campus, you'll need to install it from a CD, provided in lab.
  3. Next, install the bricxCC software on your laptops. This can be found at
  4. Open the Bricx Command Center that you have just installed. You will have to plug in your IR transmitter to a USB port, turn on the brick, and aim it at the transmitter.
  5. Write a program for the brick that makes 3 beeps. Compile, download, and run it.
  6. Attach a touch sensor to the brick. Write a program that beeps at an increasing pitch each time the touch sensor is pushed. Compile, download, and run it.
  7. Attach a light sensor to the brick. Write a program that beeps when the light sensor is moved close to a black object. Compile, download and run it.