The first of the three programs is to be done individually. For the second and third, you may work alone or work with one other person. This person must be currently enrolled in Comp 2673. You should choose someone that you believe programs with about the same skill and speed as you do. The collaboration must result in each person contributing essentially equally to each program. Write a signed statement to this effect at the end of your program when you turn it in. Each person in the pair must completely understand and be able to explain each part of the programs.
If you complete the first program and do an excellent job, then you earn a grade of C. Excellent job means that the program works as specified, does not have bugs, is well organized and clearly written, and is well-documented.
If you additionally complete the second program and again do an excellent job, then you earn a grade of B.
If you complete all 3 programs excellently, you earn a grade of A.
Email the completed programs (tarred and zipped) to Include a makefile. You may mail each program individually. Turn in a hard copy in class on the due date, or before.
Here are the specifications for the three parts:
IFS fractal generator
Fractal Image Compression and Decompression