Introduction to Cryptography
First programming project
Due Thurs, Feb 27, 2003
The point of this project is to implement RSA. Your code should allow the user to generate a key of a size specified by them. The program should tell the user the probability thresshold used in the primality test. In addition, given an ecryption key, your code should be able to encrypt text, and given a decryption key, your code should be able to decrypt text.
Since it's easiest to handle text in bytes, encrypt the text in blocks that are as large as possible given the key, but are also an even number of bytes.
Implement the key generation code using the Solvay-Strassen method discussed in class and in the textbook. I'd recommend that you read the keys and write the keys to a file, rather than inputting/outputting them to the screen.
I will email you a copy of my public encryption key. Encrypt a message and email it to me. Additionally, email me and the rest of the class your public encryption key.