Using the Oracle Bulk Loader


Creating a Control File

There are two approaches to control files.

A. Data is Loaded from the Control File

Perhaps the simplest form of control file has the following form, where the data to be loaded is found at the end of the control file. All capital letters are optional.

     INFILE *
     INTO TABLE test
     3, baz
The purpose of this file is to load data into the relation test from the handout Getting Started With Oracle. Recall that this relation has two attributes, i and s, of types integer and char(10), respectively. The meaning of the lines, in order, are:
  1. LOAD DATA is required at the beginning of a control file (which this file is).
  2. INFILE * says that the data will appear in this file, rather than in a separate data file, which would replace the *.
  3. The insertion will be into the relation named test. The table to receive the data must already exist in the database. Futhermore, the table must be empty. Otherwise, use "APPEND INTO TABLE test" instead.
  4. In the data, the comma will be used to separate the values of different attributes.
  5. On each line of the data, the value for attribute i will appear, followed by the value of attribute s. As it said on the 4th line, these values will be separated by a comma.
  6. BEGIN DATA says that what follows are lines representing tuples to be inserted.
  7. The first tuple has i=1 and a='foo'
  8. Names of column to load are enclosed in parentheses.
Warning: A very common error is to assume that in a load file blanks following a comma are ignored (as they are in most programming languages). This assumption is wrong, and it leads to a number of very frustrating problems that you won't notice until you try to query your loaded data.

Notice that the third tuple in the load file above has a blank in front of baz. Thus, the value of attribute s for the third tuple is

     ' baz'
that is, the four-character string with a blank in front. Later, we might search for tuples that have second component 'baz' and expect to find it, but we won't, because 'baz' and ' baz' are different strings.

B. Data is Loaded from a Data File

We may put the data to be loaded into a file different from the control file. Here is a simple example.

  INFILE 'test.txt'
The meaning of these lines is as follows:

  1. LOAD DATA is required at the beginning of a control file.
  2. INFILE test.txt says that the data will appear in the file test.txt.
  3. The data in test.txt will be appended to the relation test. If we do not say APPEND, then the relation test must be empty initially.
  4. In the data file, the comma will be used to separate the values of different attributes.
  5. Names of columns to load are enclosed in parentheses.
The content of the data file test.txt is:
3, baz
If test were initially empty, then the final contents of test will be exactly the same as in the previous example.

Loading Dates

The DATE datatype can have its data represented in a format you specify with considerable flexibility. First, you declare the table to be loaded to have a DATE type for the attribute(s) that represent dates. Here is a simple example:

     i INTEGER,
     d DATE
Then, in the control file, when you describe the attributes of the table being loaded, you follow them by their types; any attribute can be followed by its type, but in the example above, we shall specify a type for only the date-valued attribute d.

Following the DATE type is a date mask that describes the format your date data will use. The date mask is a double-quoted string with the following conventions: