Publication List


--- Descents and flag major index on conjugacy classes of colored permutation groups without short cycles.
(with Kevin Liu) Extended abstract in Proceedings of the 37th International Conference on Formal Power Series and Algebraic Combinatorics; Full-length version submitted. (2025)

--- Limit distributions for cycles of random parking functions. (with J. E. Paguyo) Submitted. (2025)

--- Probabilistic (m, n)-parking functions. (with Pamela E. Harris and Rodrigo Ribeiro) Submitted. (2025)

--- On odd covers of cliques and disjoint unions. (
with Calum Buchanan, Alexander Clifton, Eric Culver, Péter Frankl, Jiaxi Nie, Kenta Ozeki, and Puck Rombach) Submitted. (2024)

--- Monomial identities in the Weyl algebra. (with Darij Grinberg, Tom Roby, and Stephan Wagner) Submitted. (2024)

--- Fixed points and cycles of parking functions. (with Martin Rubey) Enumerative Combinatorics and Applications, 5: 2 Article #S2R10 (2025)

--- Statistics of parking functions and labeled forests. (with Stephan Wagner)
Extended abstract in Proceedings of the 35th International Conference on Probabilistic, Combinatorial and Asymptotic Methods for the Analysis of Algorithms. (2024)

--- Enumerating pattern-avoiding permutations by leading terms. (with Omer Egecioglu and Collier Gaiser) To appear in Journal of Combinatorics. (2023)

--- Some enumerative properties of parking functions. (with Richard P. Stanley) Submitted. (2023)

--- Parking functions: From combinatorics to probability. (with Richard Kenyon) Methodology and Computing in Applied Probability, 25: 32 (2023)

--- Moments of colored permutation statistics on conjugacy classes. (with Jesse Campion Loth, Michael Levet, Kevin Liu, and Sheila Sundaram) Extended abstract in Proceedings of the 36th International Conference on Formal Power Series and Algebraic Combinatorics; Full-length version to appear in Annals of Combinatorics. (2023)

--- Sampling planar tanglegrams and pairs of disjoint triangulations. (with Alexander E. Black, Kevin Liu, Alex McDonough, Garrett Nelson, Michael C. Wigal, and Youngho Yoo) Advances in Applied Mathematics, 149: 102250 (2023)

--- Probabilistic parking functions. (with Irfan Durmić, Alex Han, Pamela E. Harris, and Rodrigo Ribeiro) Electronic Journal of Combinatorics, 30: Research Paper 3.18, 25 pp. (2023)

--- Odd covers of graphs. (with Calum Buchanan, Alexander Clifton, Eric Culver, Jiaxi Nie, Jason O'Neill, and Puck Rombach) Journal of Graph Theory, 104: 420-439 (2023)

--- Ehrhart theory of paving and panhandle matroids. (with Derek Hanely, Jeremy L. Martin, Daniel McGinnis, Dane Miyata, George D. Nasr, and Andrés R. Vindas-Meléndez) Advances in Geometry, 23: 501-526 (2023)

Remarks on power-law random graphs. Stochastic Processes and their Applications, 153: 183-197 (2022)

--- Parking functions, multi-shuffle, and asymptotic phenomena. Extended abstract in Proceedings of the 33rd International Conference on Probabilistic, Combinatorial and Asymptotic Methods for the Analysis of Algorithms; Full-length version in La Matematica, 2: 258-282 (2023)

--- Parking functions: Interdisciplinary connections. Advances in Applied Probability, 55: 768-792 (2023)

--- Interval parking functions. (with Emma Colaric, Ryan DeMuse, and Jeremy L. Martin) Advances in Applied Mathematics, 123: 102129 (2021)

--- Dimension reduction in vertex-weighted exponential random graphs. (with Ryan DeMuse) Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications, 561: 125289 (2021)

--- Mixing time of vertex-weighted exponential random graphs. (with Ryan DeMuse and Terry Easlick) Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics, 362: 443-459 (2019)

--- Phase transitions in edge-weighted exponential random graphs: near degeneracy and universality. (with Ryan DeMuse and Danielle Larcomb)
Journal of Statistical Physics, 171: 127-144 (2018)

--- Ground states for exponential random graphs. (with Rajinder Mavi)
Journal of Mathematical Physics, 59: 013303 (2018)

--- Asymptotics for sparse exponential random graph models
. (with Lingjiong Zhu) Brazilian Journal of Probability and Statistics, 31: 394-412 (2017)

--- On the asymptotics of constrained exponential random graphs. (with Richard Kenyon) Journal of Applied Probability, 54: 165-180 (2017)

--- Asymptotic quantization of exponential random graphs. (with Alessandro Rinaldo and Sukhada Fadnavis) Annals of Applied Probability, 26: 3251-3285 (2016)
--- A detailed investigation into near degenerate exponential random graphs.
Journal of Statistical Physics, 164: 241-253 (2016)

--- Reciprocity in directed networks. (with Lingjiong Zhu) Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications, 447: 71-84 (2016)

--- Large deviations and exact asymptotics for constrained exponential random graphs. Electronic Communications in Probability, 20: 56, 1-14 (2015)

--- Critical phenomena in exponential random graphs. Journal of Statistical Physics, 153: 1008-1021 (2013)

Phase transitions in exponential random graphs. (with Charles Radin) Annals of Applied Probability, 23: 2458-2471 (2013)

--- A Markov chain approach to renormalization group transformations
. Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications, 392: 1347-1354 (2013)

--- A cluster expansion approach to exponential random graph models. Journal of Statistical Mechanics: Theory and Experiment, P05004 (2012)

--- Renormalization group transformations near the critical point: some rigorous results. Journal of Mathematical Physics, 52: 113507 (2011)

--- A cluster expansion approach to renormalization group transformations. Journal of Mathematical Physics, 52: 033502 (2011)

--- Spectral properties of the renormalization group at infinite temperature. Communications in Mathematical Physics, 304: 175-186 (2011)

--- Spectral properties of the renormalization group. Dissertation, University of Arizona (2010)

--- Thermochronology and Minnesota radon Levels. Statistics Projects (2008)

--- Quantum scattering. Research Tutorial Group Project (2007)

--- Aids can raid; We can decide. (with Can Feng and Chengyu Teng) Interdisciplinary Contest in Modeling, Honorable Mention (2006)

--- Flood has a big say? No, we have! (with Cheng Chang and Qiufeng Wang) Mathematical Contest in Modeling, Honorable Mention (2005)

--- Different general algorithms for solving Poisson equation. Numerical Analysis Project (2005)

Presentations / Talks:

--- Statistical physics of exponential random graphs. Applied Mechanics Seminar, Tokyo (2017)

--- Phase transitions in (generalized) exponential random graphs. Frontiers in Mathematical Physics, Montreal (2016)

--- Asymptotics for sparse exponential random graph models. Random Graphs, Simplicial Complexes, and their Applications, Boston (2015)

--- Phase transitions in the edge-triangle exponential random graph model. Topology and Geometry of Networks and Discrete Metric Spaces, Minneapolis (2014)

--- Critical phenomena in exponential random graphs
. Probability Seminar, Ithaca (2013)

--- Understanding exponential random graph models. Colloquium, East Lansing (2012)

--- A cluster expansion approach to exponential random graph models. Dynamical Gibbs-non-Gibbs Transitions Workshop, Eindhoven (2011)

--- A Markov chain approach to renormalization group transformations. Arizona School of Analysis with Applications, Tucson (2010)

--- Spectral properties of the renormalization group. Renormalization Group and Statistical Mechanics Workshop, Vancouver (2009)

--- Absence of renormalization group pathologies near the critical temperature. Comprehensive Examination, Tucson (2008)

--- Cluster expansions and connected graph identity. Graduate Student Colloquium, Tucson (2008)

--- Spatial navigation. (with Zaneta Navratilova) Theoretical Neuroscience Journal Club, Tucson (2008)