Shashank Kanade

Department of Mathematics
University of Denver
Remarks on the conjectures of Capparelli, Meurman, Primc and Primc
with M. C. Russell, S. Tsuchioka, S. Ole Warnaar
Lepowsky–Wilson \(Z\)-algebras and Rogers–Ramanujan-type identities: Recent advances
Bailey pairs and an identity of Chern-Li-Stanton-Xue-Yee
with J. Lovejoy
SIGMA Symmetry Integrability Geom. Methods Appl., (accepted)
Coloured invariants of torus knots, \(\mathcal{W}\) algebras, and relative asymptotic weight multiplicities
Commun. Math. Phys. (2024)
Characters of logarithmic vertex operator algebras and coloured invariants of torus links
Proc. Amer. Math. Soc. Ser. B (2024)
On the \(\mathrm{A_2}\) Andrews–Schilling–Warnaar identities
FPSAC 2023, Contributed Talk
Principal subspaces of basic modules for twisted affine Lie algebras, \(q\)-series multisums, and Nandi's identities
with K. Baker, M. C. Russell, C. Sadowski
Algebr. Comb. (2024)
Coloured \(\mathfrak{sl}_r\) invariants of torus knots and characters of \(\mathcal{W}_r\) algebras
Lett. Math. Phys. (2023)
Completing the \(\mathrm{A}_2\) Andrews–Schilling–Warnaar identities
with M. C. Russell
Int. Math. Res. Not. IMRN (2023)
On certain identities involving Nahm-type sums with double poles
with A. Milas and M. C. Russell
Adv. in Appl. Math. (2023)
On \(q\)-series for principal characters of standard \(A_2^{(2)}\)-modules
with M. C. Russell
Adv. Math. (2022)
\(A_{2l}^{(2)}\) at level \(-l-\frac{1}{2}\)
J. Algebra (2022)
Gluing vertex algebras
with T. Creutzig and R. McRae
Adv. Math. (2022)
Braided Tensor Categories related to \(\mathcal{B}_p\) Vertex Algebras
with J. Auger, T. Creutzig and M. Rupert
Commun. Math. Phys. (2020)
A variant of IdentityFinder and some new identities of Rogers-Ramanujan-MacMahon type
with D. Nandi, M. C. Russell
Ann. Comb., Combinatory Analysis 2018: In Honor of George Andrews’ 80th Birthday
Searching for modular companions
NGK and HLZ: Fusion for Physicists and Mathematicians
with D. Ridout
Springer INdAM Series: Affine, Vertex and W-algebras (2020)
Cosets, characters and fusion for admissible-level \(\mathfrak{osp}(1|2)\) minimal models
with T. Creutzig, T. Liu, D. Ridout
Nucl. Phys. B. (2019)
Universal two-parameter even spin \(\mathcal{W}_\infty\)-algebra
with A. R. Linshaw
Adv. Math. (2019)
Staircases to analytic sum-sides for many new integer partition identities of Rogers-Ramanujan type
with M. C. Russell
Electron. J. Combin. (2019)
Representation theory of \(L_k(\mathfrak{osp}(1|2))\) from vertex tensor categories and Jacobi forms
with T. Creutzig and J. Frohlich
Proc. Amer. Math. Soc. (2018)
Tensor categories for vertex operator superalgebra extensions
with T. Creutzig and R. McRae
Mem. Amer. Math. Soc. (2024)
Schur-Weyl Duality for Heisenberg cosets
with T. Creutzig, A. R. Linshaw and D. Ridout
Transf. Groups. (2019)
Simple current extensions beyond semi-simplicity
with T. Creutzig and A. R. Linshaw
Commun. Contemp. Math. (2020)
On a Koszul complex related to the principal subspace of the basic vacuum module for \(A^{(1)}_1\)
J. Pure and Appl. Alg. (2018)
Structure of certain level \(2\) standard modules for \(A_5^{(2)}\) and the Göllnitz-Gordon identities
Ramanujan J. (2018)
IdentityFinder and some new identities of Rogers-Ramanujan type
with M. C. Russell
Exp. Math. (2015)
Ghost series and a motivated proof of the Andrews-Bressoud identities
with J. Lepowsky, M. C. Russell and A. V. Sills
J. Combin. Theory Ser. A. (2017)
A motivated proof of the Göllnitz-Gordon-Andrews identities
with B. Coulson, J. Lepowsky, R. McRae, F. Qi, M. C. Russell and C. Sadowski
Ramanujan J. (2017)
Special session on Mathematical Physics
Joint meeting of the NZMS, AustMS and AMS, 2024
Co-organizers: Justine Fasquel, Pedram Hekmati and David Ridout
AMS Special Session on Q-series, Number Theory and Quantum Topology
Spring Western Sectional Meeting (formerly at University of Denver), 2022
Co-organizers: Chris Jennings-Shaffer and Robert Osburn
AMS Special Session on Some Modern Developments in the Theory of Vertex Algebras
Spring Western Sectional Meeting (formerly at University of Denver), 2022
Co-organizers: Andrew Linshaw and Florencia Orosz Hunziker
Alberta Number Theory Days IX
Banff International Research Station, 2017
Co-organizers: Alia Hamieh and Amy Feaver