My Work

RSM Campus Automation Challenge

I collaborated with a group of 4 other students to built a bot used to automate a form filling process. We used a software called automation anywhere to create our bot, and shared bot code within Automation Anywhere's data repository. The form that our bot automatically filled out sourced data from an excel file in order to populate the fields. With each submission of the form, the fields changed location, so our bot had to be responsive. Our team was selected by a panel of technical judges as one of the 5 winning teams. Our bot filled out the form everytime with 100% accuracy.

Project Sand Game - Python

Utilized skills in Python to make an interactive sand game that simulates realistic movement between different types of particles and includes several different game modes. For example, when the mode is "sand" and the mouse is pressed, sand sprinkles from the mouse and flows on top of other sand and at the bottom of the canvas. The mode can be changed to "floor", and then floors can be drawn with the mouse, which the sand will also flow on. The mode can also be changed to "destroy", and when the mouse is pressed, a fireball will appear that burns everything in its path.

Gray-Scale Topographic Map of Colorado

Used Python to create a gray-scale topographic map of Colorado by using 425,000 elevation points for every half mile in CO. Every eleation point was then used as a pixel, and based on how high that point was, it would be assigned a color. Lighter pixels represent higher elvations, and darker pixels represent lower elevations. The resulting map is then displayed on a canvas, and it displays the elevation at any point on the map where the mouse is clicked.