Math 112Z, Calculus

Dr. Paul Horn
Email: phorn (at) mathcs dot emory dot edu
Office: MSC W434
Office Hours: MW 1-2:30, Tu1-2, and F10:30-11:30 or by appointment.
General Information:
Classes: MWF, 9:35-10:25 AM in MSC: W303
Textbook: Single Variable Calculus, Stewart, 6th edition
12/5/09: Just some reminders: Quiz on 11.3, 11.4 on Monday along with some review. I will be holding office hours every day next week from 1-3, except for Wednesday when I will hold a review in W201 during that time. Our final exam slot is Monday, Dec. 14 4:30-7.
12/5/09: Practice final is up.
12/1/09: Final Homework is posted
11/24/09: The handout that was available at the exam is now online. With regards to the exam: I am not quite done grading yet, and won't turn back the exams until Monday. I am thinking, however, that there may be some opportunity for corrections/similar.
11/19/09: A second practice exam is available.
11/16/09: There will be a bonus 'problem session' on Thursday November 19th 6-8 pm in MSC 301. We will do many example problems, feel free to bring questions! Friday in class will also be a review day. I have extra office hours 1-3 on Friday.
11/16/09: Practice exam for the third midterm is up, as is more homework.
10/23/09: Practice exam 2 is up!
10/19/09: Practice exam is up, as is more homework.
9/29/09: More homeworks are posted. We'll talk about the quiz (scheduled for Friday) and exam tomorrow. (Don't freak out about the exam, it's not as bad as some of you probably are thinking!)
9/24/09: I fixed some typos on the first sample exam, please recheck (note: in particular, the completing the square problem now works.)
9/23/09: Here is a second sample midterm! As a reminder, I have extra office hours tomorrow (Thursday) from 1-3. Also, Friday is a review so bring questions!
9/20/09: Here is a practice exam. Note that homeworks have been updated too.
9/18/09: Here is some information on the first exam, as handed out in lecture today.
9/7/09: Additional homeworks (for the second quiz) have been posted. Note that in the extra problems there is one that I'd definitely like you to do (#4) and a couple more challenging problems. A solution to #5 will definately net some extra credit. A solution to #1+2 may as well.
8/28/08: Welcome to the class. I will try and post announcements here. As mentioned in class the first day: The Emory Business school has changed the math requirements for the entrance to the BBA program. In particular, AP credit satisfies the math requirement for entrance, and taking 112Z is no longer necessary. If you are interested in the BBA program, I still encourage you to take the class (which is filled with beautiful and interesting material!) but please be aware that it's no longer a requirement for entrance to the program.
Important Links:
Looking for additional help?
You may be interested in some of the information on the math dpeartment website here . Also note that there are Calculus help sessions on Tuesdays, Wednesday and Thursdays from 5:30 to 7:30 in MSC W302. These start on Tuesday, September 1. Note that these are open to all students from Math 111, 112, and 112Z so may be crowded at times, but are still a good resource to keep in mind.