Python lists
Lists are a built-in data structure in python. Lists are used to store multiple values that are accessed with a single variable name.
Typically the values stored in a list are all of the same type, though python does allow for different types to be stored within the same list. This chapter contains details on creating lists, accessing individual elements in a list, and modifying lists using list methods.
Creating lists
One way to create a list is to use a list literal. For example, instead of creating five separate variables to store 5 quiz scores, we can assign them to a list variable by putting the comma-separated values within square brackets, like this:
scores = [92, 87, 93, 81, 91]
Here is a visual model for how to think of a list and its contents:

Some people prefer to visualize a list and its contents vertically:

In practice list literals are not the most common way to create lists, since it is not often that we know in advance the exact contents of a list. Another way to create a list is to start with an empty list, then use the list append()
method to add elements to the end of the list. For example:
scores = []
Here's a more realistic example that uses the append()
method, taking the values from the user:
scores = []
for i in range(5):
next_score = int(input('Enter score: '))
Accessing elements of a list
A list is an ordered sequence of variables. The positions are numbered starting at 0
. We call the position number an index. Put the index in square brackets next to the variable name to access the value stored at that position.
For example, the line of code
will output 81
to the console. Note that the number 3
in the square brackets refers to the index (the position) of a value in the list, while scores[3]
refers to the value stored at that position.
You can visualize the contents together with the index values and the syntax to access the contents like this:

Lists are mutable (changeable), so we can modify the contents of a list using an index. For example,
scores[3] = 85
will change the value stored at index 3
from an 81
to an 85
. Note: accessing or modifying a list element using an invalid index results in an IndexError
Tools for working with lists
The line
will output all contents of the list to the console, separated by commas and surrounded by square brackets:
[92, 87, 93, 81, 91]
The len()
function returns the number of items currently stored in the list. For the above example, len(scores)
returns 5
Valid index values go from 0
to len(your_list)-1
. The first value stored in a list is your_list[0]
and the last value is your_list[len(your_list)-1]
Traversing lists using loops: index-based versus content-based loops
First let's create a list. The code below demonstrates getting input from the user and storing it in a list:
# Simple loop getting input from the user and storing it into a list
# Start by creating an empty list called names
names = []
# Get the name of the first friend
friend = input('Input names of your friends. Enter "done" to terminate :' )
# Keep getting names until they enter "done"
while friend != 'done':
friend = input('Next name: ')
# Output all of the names entered:
Now let's see two ways to traverse a list and examine every element. We will refer to the first method below as an index-based loop. An index-based loop is just a for
-loop in which the loop variable will iterate over all possible index values in the list. The code below outputs the names of all of the elements in the list names
using an index-based loop:
print("The names of your friends are:")
# Traverse the list by accessing the contents at each possible index
# The valid index values in the list go from 0 through len(list)-1:
for i in range(len(names)):
A possible output from the above code is:
The names of your friends are:
Python offers a second type of for
-loop to traverse a list, which we will refer to as a content-based loop. Not all higher-level languages have this feature. The idea is to iterate over the contents of the list without having to access them using the index. Here is a sample code snippet that implements a content-based loop:
print("The names of your friends are:")
# Traverse the list by accessing each of the values it stores
for friend in names:
In the above code, the variable friend
traverses through the contents stored in each list position. You do not need to worry about index values in this style of loop. The variable friend
will automatically iterate over each of the values stored in the list.
A possible output from the above code is:
The names of your friends are:
In the above code, the variable names
is a list, whose contents might be ["Ross", "Chandler", "Joey"]
, visualized like this:

Note that in the index-based loop, the loop variable i
iterates over the index values, so it takes the values 0
, 1
and 2
. In the content-based loop, on the other hand, the loop variable friend
iterates over the contents of the list, and takes the values "Ross", "Chandler", "Joey". Finally, notice that in the index-based loop, we access the value stored in the list with names[i]
, whereas in the content-based loop, the loop variable friends
itself already contains the value stored in the list.
Negative index values
In python, you can use negative index values as a way of accessing list elements starting at the end. The last element of a list always has index len(list_name)-1
. But in python, you can alternately refer to the last element as index -1
. The second to last element can be referred to with index -2
, and so on. This diagram shows an example of this:

In the above example, note that scores[-1]
evaluates to 91
, and scores[-2]
evaluates to 81
The expressions scores[-1]
and scores[len(scores)-1]
refer to the same location in memory. Similarly, scores[-2]
and scores[3]
also refer to the same location in memory.
Slicing lists
Slicing gives a way to extract a sublist from a list. By putting a start index and a stop index separated by a colon in square brackets, we create a new list that includes the contents between those index values. A typical slice is of the form list_name[start_index, stop_index]
. Note that the stop index itself is not included in the slice. For example, from the list shown above, the expression scores[0:3]
results in the list [92, 87, 93]
, built from the values stored at indices 0, 1, 2
. If the start index is omitted, the start index is assumed to be 0
. For example, scores[:3]
is the same slice as scores[0:3]
The slice scores[1:5]
might look confusing at first, since the list is too short to have an index 5
. However, recall that the stop index of a slice is not itself included in the sublist, so the index values used are 1, 2, 3, 4
, to produce the sublist [87, 93, 81, 91]
. If you omit the stop index, its default is len(your_list)
, meaning that the slice goes to the end of the list, including its last element. Thus scores[1:5]
in this example is equivalent to scores[1:]
A slice can be used to extract a range from a list while skipping elements. More generally, list_name[start_index, stop_index, step]
begins at start_index
, ends before reaching stop_index
, and uses step
to increment the index count. For example, in the list shown above, the slice scores[0:5:2]
starts at index 0
, increasing the index by 2
at each step, and ending before index 5
. So the index values 0, 2, 4
are used and the list generated is [92, 93, 91]
Negative values can be used for the step
, allowing us to traverse backwards through the list. For example, in the list shown above, the slice scores[4:0:-2]
uses the index values 4, 2
and produces the list [91, 93]
. Note that the index 0
element is not included. To include it, use scores[4::-2]
to produce the list [91, 93, 92]
A special case can be used to produce a complete list in reverse order, using list_name[::-1]
List membership
You can determine whether a value is in a list or not using the in
and not in
operators. For example
93 in scores
evalutes toTrue
, since93
is the value stored inscores[2]
.- On the other hand,
93 not in scores
evaluates toFalse
. 20 in scores
evaluates toFalse
, since none of the values in the list equal20
.- On the other hand,
20 not in scores
evalutes toTrue
Choosing random elements from a list
If you want to choose a random element from an existing list, one option is to choose a random integer as the index value, ranging from 0
to len(your_list)-1
. Then that random index can be used to access the list. For example, here we output a random element from the list ["eenie", "meenie", "miney", "mo"]
import random
words = ["eenie", "meenie", "miney", "mo"]
# produce a random integer from 0 to the last index, len(words)-1
# (recall that randint includes its upper limit)
index = random.randint(0, len(words)-1)
However, there is an easier way to generate a random element from a list. The random
package has a function called choice()
that can take a list as a parameter, and will return a randomly-chosen element from the list. You don't have to worry about index values - the random.choice()
function does that for you. Here's an example of its use:
import random
words = ["eenie", "meenie", "miney", "mo"]
# produces a value, randomly selected from the list contents
Putting it all together
Here's sample code showing definition of a list, accessing a list, modifying a list element, list slices, and list membership.
month_names = ['January', 'February', 'March', 'April',
'May', 'June', 'July', 'August',
'September', 'October', 'November', 'December']
print(month_names) # output the entire list
print(len(month_names)) # should output 12
# Index 0 is the first month, January
print(month_names[0]) # index 0 is the first month, outputs January
print(month_names[4]) # index 4 is the 5th month, outputs May
print(month_names[11]) # index 11 is 12th month, outputs December
print(month_names[-1]) # index -1 means the last month, outputs December
# Create a new list with first 6 months (index 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5)
first_half = month_names[0:6]
print(first_half) # note that this is a list
# Create a new list with the last 6 months (index 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11)
second_half = month_names[6:]
# I'm calling Sept/Oct/Nov autumn, these are index 8, 9, 10
autumn = month_names[8:11]
# Change the value stored at index 9:
month_names[9] = 'Octobrrr'
print('December' in autumn) # should be False
print('Triember' not in month_names) # should be True
Output of program:
['January', 'February', 'March', 'April', 'May', 'June', 'July', 'August', 'September', 'October', 'November', 'December']
['January', 'February', 'March', 'April', 'May', 'June']
['July', 'August', 'September', 'October', 'November', 'December']
['September', 'October', 'November']
['January', 'February', 'March', 'April', 'May', 'June', 'July', 'August', 'September', 'Octobrrr', 'November', 'December']
Practicing creating and traversing lists (index-based and content-based loops)
Here is a code snippet showing the creation of a list, and then a content-based traversal through the list, followed by an index-based traversal through the same list:
from random import random
# Defining a constant LIST_LENGTH makes for more flexible and clear code
# Generate a list of 6 random numbers
randos = []
for i in range(LIST_LENGTH):
# content-based loop that iterates over all of the
# previously-generated random numbers, and outputs them
# to 5 decimal places.
# The variable randos is the entire list itself.
# The variable rando takes each value stored in the
# list, one by one as the loop iterates over the list.
for rando in randos:
# index-based loop that iterates over all of the valid
# index values for the previously-generated list of
# random numbers. The variable i takes the values
# 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
# It's better programming practice to use len(your_list)
# rather than a hard-coded number. The variable i stores
# which element we are on. We output i+1 so that the
# user sees counting from 1-6 rather than 0-5.
# The expression randos[i] gives the value
# of the random number stored at that index in the list.
for i in range(len(randos)):
print(f"random number {i+1}: {randos[i]:.5f}")
A possible output is:
random number 1: 0.05184
random number 2: 0.17759
random number 3: 0.30319
random number 4: 0.83254
random number 5: 0.61733
random number 6: 0.75492